Assignment 2: Elements of design

Flowers and plants

Single point

This flower was taken in my garden, it was a dull day, so I used a LED ring light to help lift the colours, even though there are two buds in the corners, the fact that the flower is so much brighter, gives a single point, dominating the composition.

Two points

This was taken in a local public garden, the two potted palms give two distinct points, helped by the plain wall.

Several points in a deliberate shape

This design was made by our local parks and garden department, to celebrate a local dramatic society`s drama festival.

A combination of vertical and horizontal lines

I could not find a suitable planting locally, so I used some asparagus, lighting was a LED video light to camera left, and a ring light on the end of the lens, to give detail, the image was then turned clockwise.


These two flowers were taken at the same time as the one above, having the two flowers together make a natural diagonal.


This flower bed was on the outside of a local roundabout, which meant they had to curve the flower bed`s to follow the contours.

Distinct even if irregular shapes

This was taken in a local public garden, the succulents have a very distinct shape.

Two kinds of implied triangles

The flower beds above form an implied triangle,with the apex at the top.

The flower beds on the image above give an implied triangle with the apex at the bottom.


The window boxes give a rhythm, that is also helped by the flower beds below, and the vertical pillars and the windows, as they are repeated across the frame.


This arrangement was made to celebrate a ten-year anniversary of a local bowel cancer charity, using different coloured flowers gives a very distinct pattern.

One thing I did find, was that most of the shots, could have gone into more than one group.

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